Dinky was a 4 year old, male neutered Grate Pyrenees Mix who was adopted by his owners approximately 5-6 months prior to presentation. The owners described him to be more independent than their other large breed dogs and has always had abnormal defecations. He was reported to have straining during defecation and only produced small, egg shaped, hard/dry feces. He would occasionally vocalize and cry out when straining. He seemed uncomfortable/panting after these episodes. He was otherwise eating, drinking, and urinating well with no vomiting or diarrhea noted.

First X-ray image: Lateral radiograph of an animal (likely a dog) showing the thoracic and lumbar spine, pelvis, and hindlimbs. A metallic foreign object or wire is visible internally, extending through the pelvic region. Surgical pins or orthopedic fixation are also evident in the image.
Second X-ray image: Lateral radiograph of the pelvis and upper femur of an animal, showing a wire-like foreign object looped internally around the pelvic region. The image indicates possible internal surgical intervention or fixation.

Third X-ray image: Ventrodorsal pelvic radiograph of an animal, clearly showing both femoral heads, pelvis, and spine. Two twisted metallic wires are visible internally, suggesting orthopedic repair, likely of the pelvis or hip joints.